Monday, May 02, 2005

Oh no, Not again!!

Yet an other disaster, movie made from a book which has total cult status. I know, many people, including me, who live and swear by this book. Now I do understand, why the bowl of petuinas said, 'oh no, not again' when it was suddenly called into existance from nothing.
The movie H2G2 was a sad excuse for a movie. It did start well, but totally lost its way, after 20 minutes. The people who havent read the book, will probably not see black from white.
I should say stick to the basics, it always works for me.
The book, is indeed hilarious. It has layers and ramifications. One can see a high degree of philosophy with layers. This book will never cease to amaze me.

Mood : Peeved!!!!

Song : Learning to Fly (Floyd)


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