Is it a rhetorical question, if i may ask, why is good music hard to find? It has been so difficult for me to find good, new music. All the bands that come up now, are either one hit wonders (if I can may hyperbolize) or wannabes, in other words
PISH. Or is it just the case, that good musicians die young? (Jeff buckley :( ).
The past one year, I have tried listening to different genres including the ones which just wont even agree with with me. I have also had a kannada movie song trip ( uppi basically and the Hodi maga song) thanks(or no thanks) to
Sunu and Kelis thanks to
Kate and
Deej(psst .. just kidding n yea, it was the milkshake song I ended up killing myself with)
Finally ended up listening, exploring the 50, 60s and what it had to offer( thanks to acura 50, 60s radio on the Itunes). The Troggs, Status quo, Yardbirds, Kinks, Hermans hermits, Honeycombs, Gilbert-O-sullivan, The seekers... I could go on. Few people out there, may say, that they are no better than one hit wonders like the present day bands. I beg to differ, thanks to the Beatle mania during the 60s. The beatles were good in their own right, but am afraid they deprived the world of good music. I would really like to call them the music killers but wouldnt go there.
One good genre I really liked in the music of yesteryear, was surf music to the likes of Ventures and Dick Dale. Dale's influence was vast, helping ignite surf music and contributing several of the genre's most enduring classics like lets go tripping ( the beach boys).
I had blogged about Blue grass earlier. So, I wouldnt go into that one now.

Jack Johnson, this dude rocks. He has gone from being a film maker, song-writer to singer his touch on the guitar is unique, the muting is unbelievable almost as good as Dave matthews. For people who havent had the chance to listen to Jack, what are you waiting for, go buy the album in between dreams or download madi.
Yea, if you guys know about any good stuff, please let me know, would I be ever grateful to you. Zu(this dude, knows the best music always) and
Deej send me good music right now. :D.
Long live the lizard king.. amen.
Current moojihic - AC/DC Long way to the top.